My name is Vlasta Otychová (born 1959, Taurus) and I began to do business already in 1990 in the field of adult training with my husband Vlastimil Otych, M.Sc. I am a graduate of the Pedagogical Faculty in Plzeň, so I am familiar with education and training. My knowledge of psychology is useful for selection of employees for Vadana.
In 1992, after ten years spent in the educational system (teaching at primary school), I left for one-year unpaid time-off and I have not returned to school anymore. From one company, three scopes of activities were established. Training and education still continues under the name of – Mgr.Vlasta Otychová – INTEGRA and INTEGRA CENTRUM s.r.o. (, my husband founded his own firm engaged in auditing and tax consultancy ( and, to be able to cope with all this successfully with our today sixteen-year old twins, VADANA, spol. s r. o. was established which is now dealing only with household services.
Twelve housekeepers are currently employed with the firm taking a regular care of 80 households. When selecting the employees, I consider speed and carefulness to be important (which is a rare combination),as well as a good organisation of work, ability to communicate and discretion. Regarding the fact that the many years of doing business taught me that you could not cope with everything, I have not been ashamed for “having a housekeeper”. It is a job like any other. And believe me that it lays considerable demands to the women performing this job. I am glad that other women and even men come to the same conclusion in the course of time. I am sure you will belong to this group as well. |